Welcome to Year 6. Our Class Teacher is Miss Hartis


In Year 6 we have lots of work to do to prepare us for the next step of our journey. Whilst our SATs are very important, we value the impact of a full and broad curriculum on the shaping of who we are as people. Being part of Year 6 is great because we get lots of additional responsibilities around the school. Let’s make 2024-24 academic year a great one!


Key information


PE – Our PE sessions are on a Thursday with Mr Ashman and a Friday with Miss Hartis. Children should wear appropriate PE bottoms (such as dark, plain joggers, shorts or sports leggings) and trainers on those days.

Please remember to remove all earrings before coming into school and to bring a water bottle.


Homework - Children are expected to read 4 times per week at home and bring their reading record to school every day.

They should complete 20 minutes per week on TTRockstars.

Each week, children will get a list of 10 spelling words to practise at home on EdShed, and will be tested on these on Fridays.


TTRockstars: https://ttrockstars.com/

EdShed: https://www.edshed.com/




·         Children do not need to bring in any equipment or stationery, as this is all provided by school. 

·         For the safety of our children, they should not wear jewellery to school.



Year 6 children will be taking their SATs in May 2025. These tests are important for the children and the school, so it is important that they attend school every day. It is important that they work hard throughout the year, so that they can achieve the results they deserve, and set them up for their time in secondary school. 

Here are some useful websites to help with SATs revision:


·         https://www.edshed.com/

·         https://www.maths4everyone.com/pages/ks2-sats-practice.php

·         https://mathsstarters.net/




Yesterday, Year 6 visited Sunderland Empire to watch the musical production of War Horse.  The children had a fantastic time and were amazed by the performance.
Year 6 represented school this morning at the Service of Remembrance. The children shared some poetry that they had written and laid a wreath on behalf of our school community. We were very proud of all of our children, who demonstrated excellent behaviour, compassion and respect. Lest we forget.
This half term Year 6 have been learning about Bletchley Park and the impact it had on World War II. We researched about different computing hero's and learnt how to use Microsoft PowerPoint to create a presentation that outlined all the facts that we had found. All the children picked up on the skills used to create engaging presentations and have produced some work that we are extremely proud of. Next week we will be presenting our presentations to each other.

Over the last two days, Year 6 children have been working alongside Durham Wildlife Trust to partake in a litter pick around Herrington Burn. It is important we all look after our local environment, and in the time they were out, the children collected 9 bags of rubbish!