Year 1 Information


Welcome to Year 1 at Shiney Row Primary School.

PE: Year 1 children have PE on a Thursday and Friday. Please ensure children wear appropriate clothing and footwear. No jewellery should be worn.

Snack: Children are provided with a piece of fruit each day during their time in Year 1. This includes apples, carrots, bananas, tomatoes, satsumas, pears and raisins.

Water Bottles: Please bring in a water bottle for your child so that they are able to get a drink of fresh water throughout the day.

Uniform: Please ensure that any uniform worn by children has a name inside. We hate to see jumpers and cardigans go missing but unfortunately these things do happen if names are not inside.

Class Charts: We use Class Charts to share information and communicate with you. Children are able to earn points within lessons for being ready to learn, remaining on task and for good effort. We also award points throughout the day to encourage and support children in being the best that they can be.

Homework: At Shiney Row Primary School, we focus on two key areas for homework. Reading: Children will all have a reading book at the appropriate level. All children also have a login to Oxford Owl where their phonics teacher will allocate them an electronic copy of the phonics book that they are reading in class. We ask that children read at home at least 4 times per week with their reading diaries signed. This helps children to develop their fluency, learn new vocabulary and develop important skills in comprehension.

Numbots: In Year 1 the other part of our homework will focus on recall of the fluency and corresponding facts. Your child will receive a login for Numbots which is an interactive tool for practicing tables. We ask that they complete 10 minutes per week. They are free to complete more than 10 minutes if they are enjoying it and would like to do so.



Year 1 will continue to develop their reading fluency and decoding skills through our Read, Write Inc phonics programme. They will consolidate their knowledge of sounds already taught and they will be introduced to new sounds each day.

Children will also be taught reading each day where we will focus on key skills of fluency, retrieval, word meaning and inference. Children will have opportunities to read regularly in school through a range of subjects.


In our maths lessons, we will have an initial focus on developing a good understanding of place value and the four number operations. Each morning, children will complete a daily ‘maths morning sheet’ which prioritises key arithmetic skills that the children will use across the mathematics curriculum. As well as ensuring they have a fundamental knowledge of the basics, we will also have a focus on problem solving and reasoning to allow the children to demonstrate a deeper understanding of the key domains including, shape, measures, statistics, position and direction.


Our Year 1 history topics are:

-          Fairgrounds

-          Toys

-          The Titanic

-          Shiney Row


Our Year 1 geography topics are:

-          Coasts and Storms

-          Cities and Ports

-          Living in Shiney Row



Our Year 1 science topics are:

-          Animals including humans

-          Use of everyday materials

-          Plants.


Useful Websites:


Year 1 have been learning all about mechanisms! This week they have designed and made a moving story book using sliders as a mechanism. The children retold the story of Humpty Dumpty and used a slider to show him falling off the wall in their story. The children made careful design choices and used the practise they had done to create their final piece. They then performed the story using their storybooks to the rest of the class.