
Our science curriculum is structured so that children build on their substantive subject knowledge each year, providing opportunities to think and work scientifically at the same time. Acquiring and using scientific vocabulary is prioritised and opportunities are provided for children to use technically correct vocabulary when discussing and recording their work. As they progress through school, children are encouraged to see how science, as a way of thinking about and explaining natural phenomena, can explain what is being observed, predict how things will behave and identify reasons and causes. The programmes of study outlined in the National Curriculum describe the sequence of knowledge and concepts which children are supported to develop a secure understanding of. Working scientifically is not taught separately, it is taught within the content of each aspect of science so that children have the opportunity to tackle a variety of scientific enquiries. This supports a secure understanding at each stage and prevents superficially learning and the opportunity for misconceptions to develop unchallenged.

Science Overview (pdf)