Religious Education

Our RE curriculum is based on the Sunderland Agreed Syllabus and has the following key elements:

-Knowledge and Understanding of Religion, Critical Thinking and Personal Reflection

Knowledge and Understanding of Religion

This is about what religion is and the impact it has for individuals and communities. It involves investigation of and enquiry into the nature of religion and belief through the four RE concepts: Belief, Authority, Expressions of Belief and Impact of Belief

Pupils will develop their knowledge and understanding of individual religions and distinctive religious traditions, and apply this to considering ways in which religions are similar to and different from each other. Older students will be able to connect significant features of religion together in a coherent pattern. All pupils will enquire into ultimate questions and ethical issues through their study of religious traditions.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking requires pupils to use reason to analyse and evaluate the claims that religions make. Through learning in this way pupils have the opportunity to give opinions, support their ideas with reason, consider alternative arguments, weigh up evidence and listen to and respond to the views of others, so developing the ability to articulate their own views and form their own opinions.

Critical thinking requires pupils to be open minded and to value different types of reasoning including intuition e.g. the many differing reasons why people might hold onto a religious faith.

Pupils can demonstrate progress through the quality of their ability to analyse various viewpoints, explain or justify their opinion and evaluate the opinions of others. It is not the opinion itself that is assessable but the process of developing and justifying opinions. This is at the heart of Philosophy for Children.

Personal Reflection

This develops pupils’ ability to reflect on religion in relation to their own beliefs, values and experiences and the influence of these on their daily life, attitudes and actions. Personal evaluation is introspective, subjective and private.


Religious Education (pdf)

Religious Education

Our RE curriculum is based on the Sunderland Agreed Syllabus and has the following key elements:

-Knowledge and Understanding of Religion, Critical Thinking and Personal Reflection

Knowledge and Understanding of Religion

This is about what religion is and the impact it has for individuals and communities. It involves investigation of and enquiry into the nature of religion and belief through the four RE concepts: Belief, Authority, Expressions of Belief and Impact of Belief

Pupils will develop their knowledge and understanding of individual religions and distinctive religious traditions, and apply this to considering ways in which religions are similar to and different from each other. Older students will be able to connect significant features of religion together in a coherent pattern. All pupils will enquire into ultimate questions and ethical issues through their study of religious traditions.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking requires pupils to use reason to analyse and evaluate the claims that religions make. Through learning in this way pupils have the opportunity to give opinions, support their ideas with reason, consider alternative arguments, weigh up evidence and listen to and respond to the views of others, so developing the ability to articulate their own views and form their own opinions.

Critical thinking requires pupils to be open minded and to value different types of reasoning including intuition e.g. the many differing reasons why people might hold onto a religious faith.

Pupils can demonstrate progress through the quality of their ability to analyse various viewpoints, explain or justify their opinion and evaluate the opinions of others. It is not the opinion itself that is assessable but the process of developing and justifying opinions. This is at the heart of Philosophy for Children.

Personal Reflection

This develops pupils’ ability to reflect on religion in relation to their own beliefs, values and experiences and the influence of these on their daily life, attitudes and actions. Personal evaluation is introspective, subjective and private.


Religious Education (pdf)