Food And Nutrition


Food and Nutrition at Shiney Row is about engaging children, teachers and families in becoming a healthier, happier version of themselves. We provide many opportunities for our children to access a curriculum which supports healthy lifestyles.

Food and Nutrition Lead- Miss Gibbs



School Pledge

At Shiney Row Primary School we pledge to become a healthier school through an education which enables us to make informed choices for ourselves.


What we have been doing in school

Within class the children have been working on making healthy recipes during Design and Technology lessons. Over the school we have made Stir Fry, Fruit Kebabs, Granola Bars, Bolognese and Wraps to name a few. The children have enjoyed making these healthy recipes and tasting them after.



Next Term

We are going to taking part in a food and nutrition afternoon in Summer 1. We will be planting some fruit, vegetables and herbs within each class. The classes will take care of the plants and taste what they have grown. We will be looking at what it means to be healthy and create a healthy recipe within a Design and Technology class.



Water Bottles!

Please can we ensure that children are bringing water in their water bottles.  We are a healthy school, so no juice or pop allowed in water bottles. Children are welcome to leave their water bottles at school and refill them on a morning.

Packed Lunches!

As part of the ‘Healthy Eating in Schools’ initiative, if your child stays for a packed lunch, we ask you not to send fizzy drinks, sweets or chocolate in his/her lunchbox. 



To view the Spring Newsletter please click here.



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