Mental Health Supporti |
Mental Health at Shiney Row Primary School.
At Shiney Row Primary School we now have a strong link with South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust and their new team for Mental Health.
The Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs) are new teams designed to help meet the emotional wellbeing and mental health needs of children and young people in education settings. They are made up of senior clinicians and higher-level therapists, and Education Mental Health Practitioners (EMHPs).
In 2020, NHS England confirmed that Sunderland had been allocated funding to set up a MHST in education settings. The MHST will provide a range of mental health support to pupils aged 5-18 years old, parents and carers and education setting staff. The support will include resources, group work (including assemblies), and 1:1 work with individuals, and the full range of support will be considered and co-produced with young people and their families and education staff.
How the MHST and Shiney Row will work together?
The MHST will work within the emotional wellbeing and mental health support structures that already exist at our school. They will help to provide children, staff, parents and the community with programmes and support with their mental health and emotional wellbeing.
Individual staff from the MHST will focus on a cluster or group of education settings, building a relationship with them, particularly focused on the senior mental health lead in the education setting (Miss Gibbs). Miss Gibbs is available to speak to via Class Charts about any concerns you have regarding Mental Health. She will be able to give advice and direct you in supporting your child’s/ families mental health and emotional wellbeing.
Our Education Mental Health Practitioners (EMHPs) are called Louise and Sophie. If you feel your child would benefit from support from Louise, Sophie or Miss Gibbs in school then please get in touch with Miss Gibbs on Class Charts.
Need Help? Useful links and resources:
Telephone: 0800 1111
ChildLine is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of nineteen. You can contact a ChildLine counsellor for free about anything – no problem is too big or too small.
Find out how you can gain access to mental health support, advice and guidance for free through our National Health Service
Sunderland & Washington Mind
Providing confidential, high quality services for individuals, carers and families experiencing emotional or mental health problems. They aim to do this in a safe, caring, non-judgmental and supportive environment.
You can contact Sunderland Mind directly by clicking here.
Sunderland Community CAMHS
Community CAMHS is a team of people from different professional backgrounds. The following roles are all working within Community CAMHS and can sometimes be involved with offering support to a young person:
Offering resources to encourage local people to make the most of themselves and help improve their health and wellbeing and for those they care about.