Special Educational Needs Information


 The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Mrs Judith Wilson who is being assisted by Mr Neil Houghton.

 The Pastoral/Behaviour Co-ordinator is Mrs Marianne Maddock, Deputy Headteacher.

 The Governor with responsibility for Special Educational Needs is Laura Young..


Please click here to view the Special Educational Needs Information Report for Shiney Row Primary School.


Please click here to view our Special Educational Needs Policy.


Please click here to view our Local Offer Information.


Please Click here to view The Shiney Row Accessibility Plan 2024-2026.


 Shiney Row Primary School welcomes all children in the community.  We ensure that all children have the same opportunity to fulfil their potential and to participate in all areas of school life including access to the National Curriculum.  The school takes its duties to children with SEN and disabilities very seriously and will take all reasonable steps to admit children with SEN and disabilities and give them the fullest possible access to premises and the curriculum.  The school has adopted plans, which are reviewed annually by governors, for progressively and over time increasing access to the school for disabled pupils.  These include physical improvements and changes to policies and practices where these are appropriate and possible.


The person responsible for co-ordinating the day to day provision of education for pupils with SEN is Mrs Judith Wilson and she can be contacted at school.


The school supports children with SEN in a number of ways by:


  • employing additional support staff to help children with SEN
  •  screening each class to identify children with SEN and reviewing their needs and programmes of learning each term;
  • setting targets for each child and discussing them with the SENCO so that individual progress is monitored;
  • providing specialist resources where possible and appropriate;
  • bringing in specialist support from the Local Authority and from Special Schools for individual children as appropriate;
  • involving other agencies such as health services and voluntary organisations as appropriate;
  • the use of the Speech and Language Service;
  • involving parents of children identified as having SEN as much as possible including inviting them to attend regular reviews;
  • providing in-service training for school staff to ensure good support for pupils with SEN;
  • using circle time to help all children resolve issues without conflict and feel a sense of inclusion;
  • using the Behaviour Improvement Programme to support and encourage good behaviour in school.
  • ensuring the designated governor for Special Educational Needs (SEN) has regular contact with the teacher responsible for co-ordinating SEN provision at the school and thereby ensuring the monitoring and evaluation processes that are undertaken take place on an annual basis.

SEND Information Report 


Any complaints about the provision of Special Educational Needs will be addressed through school’s Complaints Procedure (copy available upon request from the school) and should be directed in the first instance to Shiney Row Primary School, Rear South View, Shiney Row, Houghton le Spring, DH4 4QP, for the attention of the Head Teacher.